The Font Doctor is a short film written, performed and directed by The Vestibules. It was made in association with Moc Docs in 2001. Moc Docs is the Canadian script-writing contest for independently produced and directed mini-mockumentaries.
The Font Doctor is very loosely based on some of The Vestibules' real experiences in Hollywood.
This rare alternate live version of The Vestibules most popular sketch, "Bulbous Bouffant" aired on CBC-TV's "Comics!" in 1997.
This is from The Vestibules' first and only episode of Action Figure Theatre. It stars Marshall Bravestarr, Big Jim and a generic wrestling figure from the dollar store. Enjoy. |
A Vestibules take on two great classics.
This was the way best episode of Road To Avonlea ever. |
A short sketch from The Vestibules (aka Radio Free Vestibule at the time) first CD "Sketches. Songs and Shoes". The graphics were used by Mr.Dressup. No joke.
This sketch is posted against the advice of The Vestibules' legal counsel. Let's see how long it stays up.
The original version of the video for The Vestibules' "The Grunge Song". Directed by David Storey.